grace upon grace

This past weekend I went on a road trip with my best friend from college. She always finds such fun activities and places to explore, so from the start I knew it would be a blast. This venture took us to Toronto Canada for the Toronto Urban Roots Festival. A glorious eight hour road trip full of snacks, tunes, stories, plans, laughs and bare feet. Steph is an incredible travel buddy. If you ever need one...well, I'm sorry, she's mine! Spontaneous decisions seem to turn out much better than expected with Steph. It feels as though we've been gone for two weeks, but it was really only about four days. Four days of amazing performances by Wilco, Of Monsters and Men, The Avett Brothers, Cake, Passenger and so many more - but NOT Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. No. Just. No. There was a little Harry Potter thrown in there too. So how could it not be amazing? On Sunday, I turned 25. A birthday that at one point was a thrill of a thought quickly became ...