Bros Before Hoes

Colorado continues to feel more and more like home to me. And for that I'm extremely thankful. It feels like it's becoming my own. That's a really nice feeling to have so soon. This weekend I really missed back East. The red fall leaves, cold rain and sitting on top of my roof with a hot cup of coffee. More than that I was really missing my brothers. I don't think I've missed them that much ever. There's just something about those spurts of laughter that seem to last forever; those epic meals and cocktails shared and fought through; random thoughts, spontaneous singing and hugs. Those big brother hugs where you can't really breath because they're three times your size but you let it go anyways because they're some kind of wonderful. I miss it all. They've got their families to care for though. Times have changed in so many wonderful ways and there are these gorgeous new additions to our family that I can't imagine life without now. T...