
Showing posts from July, 2015

Change Gonna Come

I'm taking my mom to JFK tomorrow. I drove my dad last week.  I remember a time when it really bothered me when they left, especially through college. That was really challenging. Not to say that I won't miss them or am glad they're gone, but it's just gotten easier.  It's the norm now. And isn't that strange? My family members are so different from each other. We've grown up and all have our own lives, passions, drives etc. but we come together well (insert Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd). It has been such a blessing to have my parents home and see the joy in their faces as they take on two more grandchildren.  I mean, come on! Have you seen those kids? They're adorable. How could you not be elated to spend as much time as possible with them? It's hard to believe I have two nephews and a niece now.   It's hard to believe that almost exactly a year ago I was moving to Bangkok.   It's hard to believe I fell in love and lost.  Th...