Today was..blessed

Today was.. sad, beautiful, eye-opening, gut-wrenching, breath-taking and full of awe.

Today was sad. We as a church found out that a dear wife, mother, friend, sister in Christ had passed away early this morning after months of treatment in the hospital for a type of cancer that is escaping my mind right now.  The husband and one of the sons were sitting in the service as this was announced and everybody's hearts sank and mourned with theirs.  By the end of the service 15 or so of us went and prayed with them at the altar. And after, swarms of people gathered to embrace and cry and share in their pain and pour love onto them.  It was beautiful.

Today was eye-opening.  I got to talk to the husband afterwards and listened to him go on and on about how Great and Awesome God has been in his marriage and how wonderful it is that she is now dancing and praising God face to face today.  I thanked him for his physical display of commitment to his wife.  They way that he was faithful to the covenant they had made to each other; in sickness and in health. That it has been such a blessing to our community to see him live out the love that Christ has for his church by the way he loved his wife in the worst of times.

Today was gut-wrenching as I listened to him talk-about the way his children are handling the death of their mother.  The questions being asked that bring more pain and tears yet there is peace that is found in this home. His youngest son understanding that God has called his mother home and is no longer sick or in pain is breath-taking.

Today was full of awe as I listened to the husband brag about his wife's love for the Lord and her commitment to serving him. He kept saying how blessed he is because of her and that he hopes the I will find that same level of commitment and covenant with someone.  That whomever I marry, that right now, they would find communion with God.  Back up.  In the midst of death, HE is blessing ME? He is speaking blessing over my life in the middle of sorrow and pain?? Yes. And then, he spent the next five minutes praying over me and for my future and for my husband -to-be.
"What wondrous love is this, O my soul?!"

Today I am blessed. I am blessed to have physical witness to the love of Christ that is SO rich and so free.  I am blessed to see the change in the hearts of men because of God's great love for us.  I am blessed to experience the immense joy of a Savior in the midst of terrible loss. I am blessed to be a part of a body of believers that surrounds others in prayer and love.  I am blessed to see the covenant relationships around me that are knowledgable and understanding that Christ is the center of that commitment.  I am blessed.


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