Bare feet in a meadow

For my final assessment to become a shift manager at work I had to do a tea or coffee tasting with my boss.
I chose tea because I wasn't feeling well and I decided to go with the tea called "Calm."
"Why?" You ask? "Does it have distinctive ginger flavors or sweet smells of mahogany?"
No. Neither.
I chose the tea because the description of the tea said "'s like walking barefoot through a meadow on a mountainside."

Who wouldn't want to drink something that said that!? It's like drinking New Zealand!

I sat and sniffed and slurped and scalded my taste buds.
With eyes closed, I could see it.  I could feel the meadow around my feet.
I could also feel myself becoming Fraulein Maria so I stayed a moment and waited for Christopher Plummer, but he never showed up.

Why am so hung up on this tea bag and making a point to have Christopher Plummer reference?

Because that simple bag of tea is a great reminder to calm the hell down. (Sorry, Chris).

Seriously though. Calm down.  Calm the hell down.  Keep calm and carry on..or carry a wand.. or eat cake..or knit.. or whatever you want to put at the end of that British phrase so it fits into your life so it means something to you.
Calm down.

I've just been thinking, why am I so wound up all the time. why do I let myself get to that point.
Why don't I drink more tea. Why do I try and solve all of my problems on my own after I ask for everybody else advice and don't take it.
Why am I asking so many questions.
Why can't I stop talking.
Why am I not using question marks.... because I go against the flow.

This is not a new year resolution. I'm not a fan of those, mostly because I can't keep them.
This is just a post about tea. And calming down. And marrying a modern day Christopher Plummer.
Be more like Eleanor, less like Mary-Ann.
Ingrid digging into some C.S. Lewis


  1. The wound up why's may indicate that either coffee or tea decaff might be a good idea. :0


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