Three Degrees to Cary Grant

Today I met up with one of my favorite ex-Starbucks customers: tall decaf Jody.  
She's one of the most stylish ladies I've ever met.  Full of spunk for life! 
(If anything should happen to me, Jody gets my scooter, Stella).

Anyways, she and I got together very early this morning to catch up on our lives and as we are sharing I was just taken away with how special our friendship is. 
I had been serving her and her husband (tall 1/2 caf dark roast, Jake) for a year before I even knew they were married. (They would come in at different times of the day).  It was so fun getting to know them individually over the years and then as a couple, getting dinner together and giving scooter rides and running into each other just about everywhere.
I love friendships like this.  I love when different generations bond.

And then, wouldn't you know it, but in the middle of our conversation, grande decaf Cheryl comes walking in! 
"Who is grande decaf Cheryl?" you ask. 
Why she gave me one of the best Valentine's day gift four years ago when she told me that she is the Cary Grant's sister in law.  
Yeah.  For real though.  
It's the little things.


  1. Fun, well-written and soulful. Thanks, Beeps.


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