Just Call Me Elsa

It's hard to believe it's been a solid month of officially living in Colorado.
A solid month of new introductions, organizing my apartment and office, finding new spots to be a 'regular', new commitments, new friends, gal-pal dates and vulnerability.
I'm tired. But in the best way possible...rather the most exciting way possible.
Yet in the midst of all of these wonderful new things, I've found myself holding on so tightly.
I've found so much good, and I'm afraid of it getting away.
If I can get everything I want in place first then I can let go, but once I have it, I don't want to let go because then I'll lose it. Won't I?
But when has that really happened to me to the dramatic extent that I think it would?
I can't really come up with a time.

So in the midst of all of this mental processing, and sharing thoughts over many coffee dates, I kept hearing certain songs all over the radio, in a store and even my apartment that felt like they were playing just for me.

//I used to recognize myself It's funny how reflections change. When we're becoming something else I think it's time to walk away. So come on let it go. Just let it be. Why don't you be you and I'll be me.  Everything that's broken leave it to the breeze. Why don't you be you and I'll be me.// James Bay

//So I'll be a shadow of the flame. I lean down to kiss you then erased my name. And I'll be a whisper on the wind.  My hands are shaking from holding so tight for so long.// Mumford&Sons

//You can get lost in the music for hours, honey, You can get lost in a room.  We can play music for hours and hours but the sun'll still be coming up soon.  The world's just spinning a little too fast. If things don't slow down soon we might not last. So just for the moment, let's be still// The Head and the Heart

//So let go, my soul, and trust in Him. They waves and wind still know His Name//
//Then I hear You say: you don't have to do a thing. Simply be with me and let those things go, they can wait another minute. Wait. This moment is too sweet. Please stay here with Me, and love on Me a little longer, cause I'm in love with you.//

Yea, I don't hear a theme either....
Kidding. It's loud and mega clear.
Be like Elsa and let it go.  Rest in the goodness of this season of life.
//Stop fasting from striving and shame and feast on His faithfulness and forgiveness// Tim Keller


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