26 Year Old Birthday Cake

I love birthdays.  I've had some epic birthdays full of 'happy birthday' songs being screamed so loud, making me laugh so hard I can hardly breath, meaningful cards from close friends, outings on the town, tattoos, dancing, toasts, hugs etc.  And I never really though birthdays would be the same when I moved to Colorado, at least not for a few years until I made good friends and established myself.

It can be nice to be wrong sometimes.

Today was wonderful.  Primarily filled with food, but a bit more than that, it was filled with people.  From so many different circles.
My day was filled to the brim with well wishes through snapchat, instagram, texts, Facebook, voicemails, video messages, FaceTime calls, decorated office, songs, drinks, cake, fellowship, cards, gifts, and dinosaurs. My last guest just left my apartment and when I shut the door I was just in awe of today. I can't believe I have such kind and wonderful friends here in Colorado that would come over on a Tuesday night to celebrate with me. That my dear friends from back East still send me the first birthday greeting of the day to wake me up.  My siblings, parents, surrogate family members remember me with cards, calls and texts.

Today has been a huge reminder that I'm still connected to so many of my favorite people; still loved;
Today I felt it.
And I'm so thankful for today that I'm not even ashamed to say it: #blessed
(okay, maybe a little).

Thank you all. It meant the world to me.

Can't stop this feeling'!!


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