You've Got A Stranger

This has been the longest week I've had in a very long time.
A lot went down.
A lot of frustration.
A lot of tears.
A lot of confusion.
A lot of time fighting the lies that so easily creep into my mind unchecked.

I thought the length of the week was over when I got on my next flight but it wasn't.
Lots of texts and phone calls with family members to find out some tough news about a loved one; flying with zero access to information made those flights take days to land.

On my last leg of my flight to Indiana, with tears filling my eyes, a tired body and mind, I just kept praying and thinking " I want more time to make it better."
My family is interesting. Lovely people. But completely disconnected. And as someone who is so fueled by people, I hate that.
I've been trying to rekindle deeper relationships with my extended family little by little. And news of my grandfather's stroke shook me. "I'm not done. I want to know more." Is all the thought I could muster on that never ending flight.

One more leg. 
How long can a 30 minute flight possibly take? ha.
I sat down in my seat, with a spare next to me. "Praises. I can try and take a nap."
But then a wobbly, elderly man who couldn't get his bag in the overhead compartment came in.
Last one on the plane and sat down next to me.
"Hi. I'm Glenn. I'm going to visit my nine grandchildren for the next six weeks. Do you want the window or the aisle."
Aisle.  Always the aisle.
I was annoyed because I'm a brat.
But that smile! That laugh!

Glenn proceeded  to tell me about his nine grand kids and all of their accomplishments. He asked me about my travels, my work, my family, Thailand, my nephews and niece, where's home, music, and movies. He told me that in his retirement he's mastered the Wobble, Electric Slide and the Cupid Shuffle.  We included the stewardess in trying to figure out the title of the new dance, The Juju, and I encouraged Glenn to perform that at his son's Christmas party.

His wife Anita was on the plane too, sitting in the front.  He shared stories of all the activities they do together in their community of friends in Florida.  His wife and her friends call themselves the "Spicy Ladies." I asked if that was an older Spice Girls group and he just laughed.
I asked him if he'd be willing to tell me how he and Anita met, and he told me it was in the West Indies. In a market. She was buying something and somehow a squid- yes a squid- got a hold of something Anita had bought.  Glenn just happened to walk past as it was happening and she asked for his help.  When he came over, the squid just let go, inked and left. And they've been together ever since.

I was clinging to every word. Every story.
He spoke of the gifts he's given his grandchildren and how he hopes they will hold onto them.
I assured him they would as I told him about the handwritten blessing my own grandfather wrote for me a few years ago. How it's framed and hanging on my wall in Colorado and if my apartment ever caught on fire it would be the only possession I would make sure I grabbed.

We talked about the Super Moon, space, travel, Marvin Gaye, dancing, our favorite places we've traveled, how time flies and what to do when you're young.
Time slowed down on that 30 minute flight but in the best way possible. I needed Glenn in that moment.  I needed to slow it all down; my mind. I needed Glenn to tell me stories of his exciting life and how glorious retirement is. 

We said our goodbyes on the plane but ended up running into each other again when both our bags were lost. 
He wanted to introduce me to his family that was picking him up but I  had to run. 
I wish I had stayed.
I got in my car and sat for a moment. More tears came but they were tears of relief.
I turned on the radio and what comes on? You've Got a Friend.
I wept the whole way to my hotel.

What a day.  What a week.
I'm thankful for moments of peace in the midst of chaos and concern.
Thanks for listening.

When you're down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running, oh yeah baby, to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you've got to do is call
And I'll be there, ye, ye, ye
You've got a friend
If the sky above you
Should turn dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep you head together
And call my name out loud now
Soon you'll hear me knocking at you door


  1. God will always give you strength in trying times Jenna! Cheers little one! Julian


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