Chicken Transport

Do you ever find yourself in the middle of some mundane task that you've done countless times before but catch yourself reminiscing on maybe where you learned the skill in the first place?

I had a busy day; at work, ran to the grocery store, got home later than I would've liked to make dinner for a sweet friend who would be here in an hour and my apartment wasn't as tidy as I'd like.

I had bought a roasted chicken at the store and hoped to debone it before she got here but ended up leaving it until just now.  At 8:30pm. Late night deboning a chicken at my kitchen table, listening to some random playlist on spotify and being transported back to what feels like a decade ago...oh my lanta, it was a decade ago.

I could hear my mom calling me into the kitchen and asking me to help her debone one of four chickens. Probably for some Thai feast she was having for people.  We would stand at the stove, elbows deep in chickens, talking, laughing, being quiet etc.  She'd always point out where I needed to dig more for the meat and she was always able to find more.

I could sense that feeling of home here at my kitchen table that I always felt in that house on Green Valley because of her.  Warmth.
I feel it here too.
I bet my mom passed that onto me-making things homey.
Along with deboning chickens and properly folded napkins.

I'm just feeling nostalgic tonight and really looking forward to seeing my mom and dad in a month.


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