Leave the gun take the...Nutella

About a week ago  Sunday I was in Philadelphia having a last night of fun, food and loads of laughs with some of my siblings before I left three days later for who knows how long. As I was sitting at the counter my phone kept going off one after another from people who graciously care about my flights possible inability to take off due to the impending snow storm that was about to his the east coast. Storm Juno.

I immediately got on the phone and called the airport and got a hold of my airline asking them about cancellations and possibly rescheduling my flight. She asked for my information to which I gave it to her and waited. I heard this sort of annoying huff in the phone as she told me that they are only worried about those flying out that day or the next. I will be fine. Don't worry. Bye.
Basically, thanks for wasting my time and being paranoid about a flight that isn't going to happen for three more days and will not be affected by what's happening now.

Do you know how grocery stores empty out before a big storm? There's something in us that switches into survival or panic mode when we hear these storms are coming. We anticipate the worst. We hoard. Taking more than what we need just in case.  We bunker down. We rearrange. We don't leave where we are.

My flight was three days away, the storm hasn't even hit yet and I am preparing for a snowpocolypse and the inability to ever fly away. 
Before the 'storm' even starts, I empty all of the bread, eggs, Nutella, and bananas from the store and take them back to my house until everything passes. Only to find myself waking up in the morning to half an inch of snow dust.

That escalated quickly.
And for what? What good comes from me freaking out or expecting the worst? Did I prevent anything bad from happening?

I take matters into my own hands. When it comes to the problems I see right in front of my eyes, I can't help but snap, grab my Nutella  and bunker down instead of facing it knowing Who is standing right behind me.  ...Don't worry. You'll be fine...
It sounds crazy I know. But my life is nothing short of crazy right now.

"...whether you look to the left or the right you will hear a voice behind you saying, 'this is the way, walk in it.'"


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