Imbalance of a Klutz

There's always that moment for me before Lent where I evaluate the areas I wrestle through in my life that could use more discipline.
Like many people my age (at least I don't think I'm on my own in this), I watch way too many movies, drink too much coffee, spend too much time on my phone, eat food that's bad for me etc.
But the biggest vice I could see was how often I let other people make choices for me.  Not that I let them orchestrate my every move, but I've realized how often I go to people for advice/affirmation/choices.  I'd say it's part laziness, part uncertainty, a dollop of an overwhelming amount of choices and a dash of fear of failing.

The day before Lent started, I remember wearing one of my favorite scarves that had a loose string.  I pulled said string and it came off.  I just started wrapping it around my ring finger until it stuck, and I left it there until today as a reminder to not let people choose for me.
It sounds so silly, doesn't it?

Do you know what I think it sillier than wearing the same string on my finger for 40 days?
The fact that I needed to remind myself to be brave
to take risks
to trust in who I am
to value my opinion

This post isn't a pity party at all.  I'm not feeling sorry for myself.
Just a realization in these last weeks that though I am an extremely, sometimes overly, intentional person with people that I care about, I tend to forget to keep myself in check-thinking others will do it for me.
My equilibrium is off.

Lent can't fix this.
My friends can't fix this.
I can't fix this.

It's nice to be more aware. Nice. Frustrating. Tomato. Potato.
I'm flawed. Oh so flawed. Yet, Grace abounds
So let go, my soul and trust in Him.


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